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Here's 3 HUGE mistakes most parents make with their young athlete.

If you're looking to maximize your childs athletic potential then take note and avoid these mistakes.

Parents…. Here’s the thing. The ages of 7-16 are the most critical years to develop your young athlete.


There’s two ways this can go whether parents capitalize on their child’s athleticism.


The child performing fast and quick movements or their child being slow and slapping the ground too hard.


Their child being coordinated/balanced or sloppy/awkward.


But this doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to change this, in fact there are a variety of steps you can take to maximize their athletic ability.


Below I’m going to share 3 HUGE mistakes parents make with their child as athletes.






















Mistake #1: Being too Overly Cautious


I’ve run into a lot of parents who are worried about their child getting injured or over exhausting their energy during performance training.


These concerns are very understandable but here’s the reality.


Ages 7-16 are the most critical years for performance development for young athletes.


During these ages, your child develops the majority of their motor skills which serves as the foundation and ability to perform various movements in their sport.


YES, there’s a window of opportunity to athletic development.


This is scientifically proven.


During the ages of 7-16, the nervous system is constantly recording the child’s movements such as stability, agility, and speed training.


The body will take on the majority of what the child is doing and adapt to the stimulus they take on every day.


If the child is sitting on the couch playing on the iPad all day, guess what?

The body will adapt, and the child will be slow.


If the child is following a well-rounded program of speed, explosive movement and reaction then the body will adjust and adapt.


If all your child does is go to practice, play games and be inactive majority the rest of the day then the body will reflect to that.


If your child is constantly progressing and taking on new tasks to adapt to the body will reflect that as well.


The Fix:  Start training explosively early




























Mistake #2: Specializing way too Early


Here we have parents trying to specialize their child in a sport too early.


I tend to see this often in baseball.


There’s a study from NBA, NFL, and MLB reporting that single sport athletes are more likely to sustain injury rather than multi-sport athletes.

Parent’s… I’m not making this up…


Early specialization can be debilitating to a young athlete.


Especially later in their career, once they are in the middle of their high school years, that’s where we see that passion for the sport tends to drop off.


Early specialization can put your child at a massive disadvantage


Early specialization is shown to:


  • Increase rates of injury


  • Predispose athletes to overuse injuries (fractures/tendinitis)


  • Lead to burnout.


Instead, parents should focus on getting their child to build general athleticism such as improving their speed, power, and agility.


Your child can swing a bat all day but are you helping them add power to their hips and torque to generate force from the ground up?


Your child can do their ladder and cone drills all day but are you helping them add power to their step?


The Fix:  Train for General Athleticism for Max Athletic Potential.



































Mistake #3 Using the Standard Strength and Conditioning knowledge to train your child.


These days kids love to test their max strength on a bench, squat, and deadlift weekly but what they don't know is that they are crashing their central nervous system each attempt they take.


You don't get strong by maxing out every week, all that's going to happen is these kids are going to get overtrained and probably injured.


This method could be stripping away from their athletic ability.


Each athlete is different because of slow twitch and fast twitch fibers.


Fast twitch fibers help athletes perform explosive starts in a sprint, an explosive jump and a heavy 1 rep max.


Slow twitch fibers help endurance activities like jogging and lifting weights slow.


Most athletes want majority fast twitch fibers.


This will help them sprint faster, jump higher and toss around their opponents like nothing.


Through the ages 7-16 this is the most crucial time to develop those fibers.


If your child is on the couch playing video games, ALL DAY they will develop slow twitch fibers.


If your child goes to the gym and do bodybuilding style workout trying to build mass lifting nice, slow, and controlled without any explosive component to there they will struggle tremendously.


Lifting slow = slow twitch fibers


Being the biggest most muscular guy on the team isn't the answer.


Muscular does not = explosive


But if they want to become explosive as possible in their sport and maximize their athletic potential, they will have to put work in.


For example, college baseball scouts want everything in athletes.


Speed (more bags), fielding and batting.


Not just 1 of the 3. ALL OF THEM.


This increases the athlete's chances of getting scouted and looked at by other colleges.


So, Here's the Fix To Your Problem. Train FAST.








































Here’s the next step to take with your young athlete


If you want your child to be the best athlete as they can possibly be, you need to get them started in training at an early age.


Chances are you don’t have time for trial and error trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.


You need an expert.


Below I’m going to share with you the different training approaches for each age group we take for young athletes.


  • Ages (7-10):  Fundamental Training (Motor Skills Training, Building Agility, Balance, Coordination, Speed)

  • The focus of this age is to introduce your young athlete to new movements and help their body adapt.

  • This program will help your young athlete become efficient at general movement patterns like jumping, sprinting, and changing directions.

  • Developing these abilities will help your child avoid injury from the strength of these movements and put them in greater positions to make dominant moves on the field/court.


  • Ages (10-13):  Developmental Stage (Motor Skills Training, Strength, Movement Efficiency, Agility, Speed, Power)

  • This age window is where the critical bout of explosiveness takes place.


  • Their training should be designed to take advantage of this window.


  • During this stage we will begin to teach your child how to train.


  • We introduce bodyweight strength movements like squats, push and pull ups and other critical movements to build strength as well as speed, power, agility, and reaction.


  • This stage will also have light resistance such as weighted medicine balls to help build those fast twitch fibers we talked about at the top.


  • Ages (13-16):  Advancement Stage (Speed, Strength, Agility, Power, Explosiveness, and Encouraging General Athleticism)


  • During this stage we throw in a variety of advanced plyometrics (jumping) to increase ground contact, intense speed drills and advanced agility/reaction drills to help the athlete change direction effectively.















----------------Money Back Guarantee--------------------


If you are not satisfied with the results depending on the age of the athlete, I will gladly hand you your MONEY BACK.


For ages 7-13, if your child trains with us for up to one year and for some reason doesn’t see results…. I will give you a refund and even better help them achieve their goal for free.


For ages 14-18, if your child trains with us depending on their sport and at the end of the offseason they haven’t seen an increase in their speed and quickness. I will also refund your money back.




In order for this guarantee to be effective you have to be available to all training sessions unless your schedule doesn't not allow you to (EMERGENCY).




The Athletes who show up 2/4 sessions a week DO NOT get results from my experience, only half work was put in, so half results were the result of that.




I am here to help achieve the Athlete's Goals/Dreams, I am extremely confident in my methods.




This is not a money grab, the Athlete's dream is my dream, and I will coach to the best of my ability for your athlete to achieve their goals.























































Now parent’s……


Imagine the levels of success your child will achieve when they have access to in person training geared toward their athletic ability and specific needs. A training program that capitalizes on the windows of opportunity in your child’s development.


Imagine the excitement that will fill your child’s heart as they dominate on the field or court.


Imagine how excited your child will be when they win big games, gets trophies, and sees college scouts checking them out.


Imagine other parents approaching you, asking you what have you been doing to maximize your child’s athletic ability in hopes their child does the same.


I want to leave you with this…


Now that you know that if your child is 16 years old or younger these are the most critical times to maximize their athletic potential.


They can ride the bench or be the athlete that’s flying around the field/court causing havoc.


Their body is ready to take on and adapt to whatever you give them.


If you give them the proper training regimen they will without a doubt be at the top of their class in sport.


But if you leave them just practicing and playing full games with their team then going home just to play the game the body will take on that stimulus and affect their muscle fiber build.


Please don’t wait until high school to start taking this seriously.


Imagine your child didn’t make the high school baseball team because they hit the ball pretty well, but they can’t run bases.


That would be extremely heartbreaking and probably cause them to lose confidence in the long run getting left behind by all the other kids.


Invest in your child now and watch their athletic ability excel.


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